
vETH is the liquid staking token of Ethereum’s native token — ETH — issued on Bifrost.

Users can stake ETH to get vETH to earn staking rewards. vETH is transferable throughout the Ethereum and Moonriver ecosystems, and can be used in other DeFi applications to earn yields.

vETH will become redeemable as ETH at any time after Ethereum Shanghai network (progressively).

ETH Staking to Unleash Liquid Staking Potential

ETH Shanghai upgrade will open staking redemption, vETH 2.0 will be launched soon

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Bifrost Finance


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vETH integrations

<aside> ⚠️ This is a LIVE document, continuously updated by the protocol teams, communities and ‣ contributors. Note that the information in this Notion board might be outdated or wrong. The contributors are not liable for any incorrect or incomplete information within this Notion board.
