Geode Finance


The gETH token is an immutable ERC-1155 contract, that are utilized for internal accounting within Geode's staking library.

When you stake in a liquid staking derivative product powered by Geode, you mint a G-Derivatives. This is either gETH or ****gAVAX, depending on the blockchain being used. The gETH or gAVAX minted is actually the corresponding LSD for the selected staking pool.

<aside> 💡 NOTE: gETH is currently unreleased, as withdrawals on Ethereum will be enabled with the deployment of the Shanghai upgrade.



By using a single ERC115 contract, it allows Geode’s infrastructure to provide for a wide array of different staking product types, as well as allowing for better compatibility in the future. Put another way, G-Derivatives are databases of Balances and Prices with extra Scalability (interfaces).

Geode Finance’s G-Derivative contract architecture.

Geode Finance’s G-Derivative contract architecture.

The key benefit with Geode’s G-Derivatives are their highly configurable nature. For example, via Geode’s interfaces pool owners may choose whether they want their LSD to function as a value accrual or rebasing token.

<aside> 💡 NOTE: Although broadly similar as G-Derivatives, there are some key differences to understand between gAVAX and gETH. For a breakdown in the differences between the two, click here.


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Geode Finance


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