ℹ️ Introduction to XRP Ledger Testnet Faucets

These parallel XRP Ledger test networks serve as dedicated platforms for experimenting with modifications to the XRP Ledger and associated software, all without involving real funds.

The allocated funds within these networks are strictly designated for testing purposes. The ledger history and balances on test networks are reset as needed, and devnets may undergo resets without prior warning.

It's crucial to note that all balances and XRP holdings within these networks are entirely separate from the Mainnet. To ensure security, it is strongly advised not to use Testnet or Devnet credentials on the Mainnet.

Every altnet possesses its distinct supply of test XRP, freely distributed to individuals or entities keen on experimenting with the XRP Ledger and undertaking the development of applications and integrations. It's crucial to understand that test XRP holds no real-world value and is subject to loss when the network undergoes a reset. This distribution mechanism ensures that participants have the necessary resources for exploration and development within the altnet environment, while also emphasizing the non-monetary nature of the test XRP.

🚰  XRP Ledger Testnet Faucets

<aside> <img src="https://images.ctfassets.net/23fkqdsgbpuj/5iQrw8bZ9Uiwn0Q6HbMvtw/caae230ab0bba07c2e1e968979f22ddc/XRPL-Logo-Flat.svg" alt="https://images.ctfassets.net/23fkqdsgbpuj/5iQrw8bZ9Uiwn0Q6HbMvtw/caae230ab0bba07c2e1e968979f22ddc/XRPL-Logo-Flat.svg" width="40px" /> XRP Faucet for XRPL Testnet


<aside> <img src="https://images.ctfassets.net/23fkqdsgbpuj/5iQrw8bZ9Uiwn0Q6HbMvtw/caae230ab0bba07c2e1e968979f22ddc/XRPL-Logo-Flat.svg" alt="https://images.ctfassets.net/23fkqdsgbpuj/5iQrw8bZ9Uiwn0Q6HbMvtw/caae230ab0bba07c2e1e968979f22ddc/XRPL-Logo-Flat.svg" width="40px" /> XRP Faucet for XRPL Devnet


<aside> <img src="https://images.ctfassets.net/23fkqdsgbpuj/5iQrw8bZ9Uiwn0Q6HbMvtw/caae230ab0bba07c2e1e968979f22ddc/XRPL-Logo-Flat.svg" alt="https://images.ctfassets.net/23fkqdsgbpuj/5iQrw8bZ9Uiwn0Q6HbMvtw/caae230ab0bba07c2e1e968979f22ddc/XRPL-Logo-Flat.svg" width="40px" /> XRP Faucet for Xahau Testnet
