STRX FINANCE aims to provide a transparent and secure staking protocol on the TRON Blockchain. The protocol offers a liquid staking model which allows users to stake and unstake their assets on the fly, without any restrictions. Our mission is to provide users with an easy and secure way to earn yield on their TRX assets through staking and renting.
STRX Finance utilizes smart contracts to enable users to earn yield on their TRX assets through staking. By renting out energy and bandwidth to TRON users, and voting Super Representatives to generate block production rewards, users can maximize their yields and earn up to 40% APY.
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<aside> ⚠️ This is a LIVE document, continuously updated by the protocol teams, communities and ‣ contributors. Note that the information in this Notion board might be outdated or wrong. The contributors are not liable for any incorrect or incomplete information within this Notion board.