ℹ️ Introduction To Polygon zkEVM Faucets

Ethereum faucets are a service carried out via a smart contract that dispenses funds in the form of free test Ether that can be used on a testnet.

These test tokens are used to deploy, test, and fine-tune smart contracts on test blockchains like Sepolia and Goerli.

🚰  Polygon zkEVM Testnet Faucets

<aside> <img src="https://seeklogo.com/images/P/polygon-pos-logo-F06DB99CFF-seeklogo.com.png" alt="https://seeklogo.com/images/P/polygon-pos-logo-F06DB99CFF-seeklogo.com.png" width="40px" /> Polygon Faucet for Polygon zkEVM


<aside> <img src="https://faucet.triangleplatform.com/faucet.png" alt="https://faucet.triangleplatform.com/faucet.png" width="40px" /> Triangle Faucet for Polygon zkEVM


<aside> <img src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/276/1*[email protected]" alt="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/276/1*[email protected]" width="40px" /> QuickNode Faucet for Polygon zkEVM
